Because your farts will smell like book mites and importance, friends.
I'm doing a book reading on the Zooms tomorrow!
It's a book event, so when you RSVP and attend, you can tell everyone, "I'm going to a book event," and then sniff real deep, because your farts will smell like book mites and importance, friends. Info below~
Join Humorist Books as they take a look at some of the exciting new books out this summer and talk with the hilarious authors behind them!
About this event
THE WITCH DEMANDS A RETRACTION: FAIRY-TALE REBOOTS FOR ADULTS, written by Melissa Balmain and illustrated by Ron Barrett
Pinocchio Runs for Office, The Peeved Piper, Not So Snow White, and so many more in this twisted collection of adult fairy tales! This hilarious collection of poems puts a grown-up, contemporary spin on the stories and characters we all learned as children, from Little Red Riding Hood, to the Three Bears, the Pied
Piper, and Cinderella; each delightfully depicted in full-color by one of the best and award winning illustrators in the business.
Melissa Balmain edits Light, America’s longest-running journal of light verse. Her humor has appeared in The American Bystander, Lighten Up Online, McSweeney’s, The New Yorker, The New York Times, Success, The Washington Post, and Weekly Humorist. Her full-length poetry collection, Walking in on People (winner of the Able Muse Book Award), has been praised by Poet Laureate Billy Collins as "an infectious, often hilarious blend of the sweet and the lethal, the charming and the acidic."
A small-town librarian finds her voice and kicks some misogynist butt in the process. Inspired by the classical Greek comedy, Lysistrata, librarian Lyssa Strata has long begged the Town Council of Athena, Massachusetts to repeal its disgusting, old, misogynist, and racist laws, but the Council, an all-male entity for 400 years, has blown her off as a redheaded spinster—who, according to a 1673 law, should legally be run out of town at the end of a musket upon a poor fiscal year. When Lyssa seeks to invade the male bastion as the first woman ever on the Council, the men in charge treat her candidacy as a hilarious joke; that is, until Lyssa leads the women of the town on a sex strike.
Martti Nelson's writing has appeared in The Belladonna, Weekly Humorist, Robot Butt, Daily Drunk Magazine, and Slackjaw. Lyssa Strata is her debut novel. Her second novel, Attack of the Rom-Com, will be available in 2022.
SEVEN EASY STEPS TO GO TO HELL, written and illustrated by Brandon Hicks
What you see is not always the whole picture, as you'll learn on your journey to HELL! Occupying the lowest rung on the demonic corporate ladder, Beezle, Buzzle, and Barb have the unenviable task of ensuring enough souls are going to Hell. Using their patented Seven Deadly SinsTM method, the trio explains how you can get yourself a one-way ticket.
Brandon Hicks is a writer and cartoonist living in New Brunswick, Canada. A member of the National Cartoonist Society, he is a regular contributor to a number of publications. His plays and short films have been featured in festivals across the world. He hopes he isn’t going to Hell any time soon.